Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Infinite Worth

This month we will be connecting the ideas of seeing the divine in all things and infinite worth.

The quotes are:

"Brahman saguna is Brahman made manifest to our limited senses, Brahman expressed not only in gods, but in humans, animals, trees, in a handful of earth, for everything has a trace of the divine in it"
--Yaan Martel in Life of Pi

"Everyone you will ever meet has Infinite Worth"
--Frank W Kemper

Join us this Monday, January 7th for Hot Toddies and discussion!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Escape and Freedom

Toddy Talk Number One! 
Join us on Monday, December 3rd at 8pm, for our very first Toddy Talk.  Please bring a few bags of your favorite kind of tea to share. If you are more traditional with your hot toddies, we will have lemon, cinnamon sticks and honey. I chose the topic for the first talk based on my own interests and current reading, but bring your ideas for future passages and meditations.

I hope it goes without saying, but as we are hoping to having a meeting with minds from a variety of faith traditions, the most important rule in the talk is respect for opinions that differ from your own.

Guiding Questions: What do we need to escape from? And where can we find freedom?

Thomas Merton in Choosing to Love the World
" The illusory character of the freedom which we have tried to find in moral and psychological irresponsibility has become inescapable. Our abdication of responsibility is at the same time an abdication of liberty. The resolution to let “someone else,” the anonymous forces of society, assume responsibility for everything means that we abdicate from public responsibility, from mature concern, and even from spiritual life. We retire from the public realm of freedom into the private world of necessity, imagining that the escape from responsibility is an escape into freedom. On the contrary, it is, in Erich Fromm’s words, an “escape from freedom.” But when we turn over the running of our lives to anonymous forces, to “them” (whoever “they” may be, and nobody quite knows), what actually happens is that we fall under the tyranny of collective fantasies and delusions. There is no more tyrannical dictator than convention, fashion and prejudice.  " (p 91)

Meditations with Meister Eckhart, a centering book by Matthew Fox: